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Candide —
Journal for Architectural Knowledge
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Kim Förster
Der Wohnungsbau-Prototyp des Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies.
No. 5, 03/2012
Oliver Schetter
"How come there's a window in our wall?"
No. 3, 12/2010
Andrew Witt
A Machine Epistemology in Architecture.
No. 3, 12/2010
Sabine von Fischer
Acoustics, Appropriated and Applied:
No. 6, 10/2012
Sabine von Fischer
Akustik, anverwandelt und angewandt.
No. 6, 10/2012
Mariana Mogilevich
Ambulante Therapie: Psychologien der Pedestrianisierung in New York und Kopenhagen
No. 9, 6/2015
Mariana Mogilevich
Ambulatory Therapy: Psychologies of Pedestrianization in New York and Copenhagen
No. 9, 6/2015
Jimenez Lai
Anmerkungen zu Typen verführerischer Robustheit.
No. 3, 12/2010
Adam Page
Appropriating Architecture: Violence, Surveillance and Anxiety
No. 10, 12/2016
Isabelle Doucet
Architecture Wrestling the Social: The “Live” Project as Site of Contestation
No. 10, 12/2016
Ulrich Pantle
At Home in the City.
No. 1, 12/2009
Joachim Geil, Reinhard Doubrawa
No. 4, 07/2011
Andres Lepik, Anna Heringer
Authentic Architecture.
No. 6, 10/2012
Andres Lepik, Anna Heringer
Authentische Architektur.
No. 6, 10/2012
Alain Guez, Sandra Parvu
Avoiding Images:
No. 6, 10/2012
Amy Catania Kulper
Begegnung mit der Liste.
No. 3, 12/2010
Ulrich Pantle
Bei uns in der Stadt
No. 1, 12/2009
Ian Pepper
Berührungslinie 1: Maillart Serra.
No. 5, 03/2012
Alain Guez, Sandra Parvu
Bilder vermeiden.
No. 6, 10/2012
Dennis R. Shelden, Lutz Robbers
BIM – Lutz Robbers in conversation with Dennis R. Shelden.
No. 11, 06/2019
Markus Lanz
Brasília. Photographing against the Image
No. 12, 01/2021
AnnMarie Brennan, Lasse Kilvær
No. 8, 09/2014
AnnMarie Brennan, Lasse Kilvær
No. 8, 09/2014
Merle Yilmaz
Clay Building Standards and Shared Authorship
No. 13, 09/2022
Liam Ross
Compliant Architecture oder die fügsame Architektur.
No. 4, 07/2011
Liam Ross
Compliant Architecture.
No. 4, 07/2011
Christoph Asendorf
Continually Renewed Contemporaneity: Ludwig Mies van der Rohe through the Lens of Different Ages
No. 8, 09/2014
Axel Sowa
Cue-Giver Hermann Czech
No. 8, 09/2014
Eric de Broche des Combes, Laurent Théaux, Lutz Robbers
Das Grau des Himmels
No. 9, 6/2015
Tanja Herdt
Das McAppy-Projekt.
No. 6, 10/2012
Bernard Cache
De Architectura. On the Table of Content of the Ten Books on Architecture.
No. 1, 12/2009
Bernard Cache
De Architectura. Zum Inhaltsverzeichnis der Zehn Bücher über Architektur.
No. 1, 12/2009
Ting-Chun Yang
Depth in a Domestic Vista
No. 13, 09/2022
Irénée Scalbert
Der Architekt als Bricoleur.
No. 4, 07/2011
Jörg Leeser, Urs Füssler
Der Blumenladen in Oberbarmen.
No. 4, 07/2011
Bernardo Secchi, Matteo DAmbros, Roberto Zancan
Der heilige Georg und der Drache, oder: Der Stadtplaner als Geschichtenerzähler.
No. 2, 07/2010
Reyner Banham
Der Neue Brutalismus.
No. 5, 03/2012
Ignaz Strebel, Jane M. Jacobs
Die Bewohner ins Bild rücken.
No. 7, 10/2013
Hélène Jannière
Die Hölle des Dekors.
No. 7, 10/2013
Hélène Frichot
Die Insel Söder Pops. Meine persönliche Gentri-Fiktion
No. 9, 6/2015
Angelika Schnell
Die sozialistische Perspektive der XV. Triennale di Milano.
No. 2, 07/2010
Gregor Harbusch
Die Waldschratschule in der Industriehalle
No. 9, 6/2015
Camillo Boano, Isabelle Doucet
Disruptive Design: On Design Gestures, Breathing, and Not-Doing
No. 10, 12/2016
Filippo De Pieri, Gaia Caramellino
Domestic Italy After World War II: Collecting Stories from Middle-Class Houses
No. 9, 6/2015
Nabil Ahmed
Ecocide in West-Papua – The case of the Grasberg Mine.
No. 11, 06/2019
Axel Sowa, Ela Kaçel
No. 12, 01/2021
Andrea Alberto Dutto, Axel Sowa
No. 13, 09/2022
Andres Lepik, Axel Sowa, Susanne Schindler
Editorial Candide Nr. 6
No. 6, 10/2012
Axel Sowa, Susanne Schindler
Editorial Nr. 5
No. 5, 03/2012
Axel Sowa, Susanne Schindler
No. 1, 12/2009
Axel Sowa, Susanne Schindler
No. 2, 07/2010
Axel Sowa, Susanne Schindler
No. 3, 12/2010
Axel Sowa, Susanne Schindler
No. 4, 07/2011
Axel Sowa, Isabelle Doucet, Kim Förster, Lutz Robbers
Editors’ Letter
No. 10, 12/2016
Axel Sowa, Kim Förster, Lutz Robbers
Editors’ Letter.
No. 11, 06/2019
Patrick Schoeck
Effizienz im kapitalistischen Wohnungsbau der Schweiz.
No. 7, 10/2013
Amy Catania Kulper
Encountering the List.
No. 3, 12/2010
Andrew Witt
Epistemologie der Maschine in der Architektur.
No. 3, 12/2010
Bettina Lockemann
Exploring the Urban Space: Methods for Visual Urban Research
No. 12, 01/2021
Robert Gassner
Familienbild mit Haus.
No. 1, 12/2009
Robert Gassner
Family Portrait with House.
No. 1, 12/2009
Katherine Romba, Maria Smith, Pedro Gadanho, Philip Allin, Susana Oliveira
Five Short Stories.
No. 5, 03/2012
Michael Guggenheim
Formless Discourse.
No. 4, 07/2011
Michael Guggenheim
Formloser Diskurs.
No. 4, 07/2011
Fabian Scheurer, Lara Schrijver, Mario Carpo, Yanni Alexander Loukissas
Four Micro-Essays.
No. 5, 03/2012
Ramona Schaefer
From Bengaluru to Auroville: Between Tradition and Innovation in Southern Indian Architecture
No. 13, 09/2022
Claire Zimmerman
From Legible Form to Memorable Image.
No. 5, 03/2012
Katherine Romba, Maria Smith, Pedro Gadanho, Philip Allin, Susana Oliveira
Fünf Kurzgeschichten.
No. 5, 03/2012
Andrea Alberto Dutto, Bernadette Heiermann
Getting Humble. Bernadette Heiermann in Conversation with Andrea Alberto Dutto.
No. 13, 09/2022
Joanna Zawieja
No. 2, 07/2010
Ela Kaçel
Hiltonculuk and Beyond.
No. 3, 12/2010
Ela Kaçel
Hiltonculuk und die Folgen.
No. 3, 12/2010
Joanna Zawieja
No. 2, 07/2010
André Bideau
Housing as Discursive Void:
No. 7, 10/2013
Anne Poirier, Murielle Hladik, Patrick Poirier
Im Garten der Zeit.
No. 6, 10/2012
Axel Sowa
In Praise of Situated Experimentalism
No. 13, 09/2022
Anne Poirier, Murielle Hladik, Patrick Poirier
In the Garden of Time.
No. 6, 10/2012
Christoph Asendorf
Kontinuierlich erneuerte Aktualität: Ludwig Mies van der Rohe im Kontext verschiedener Epochen
No. 8, 09/2014
Florian Eschner
Ladakh and Spiti Valley: Earthen Buildings in the Himalayan Regions
No. 13, 09/2022
Theresa Bandmann
Le Tableau Vivant as an Educational Device
No. 13, 09/2022
Axel Sowa, Susanne Schindler
Letter from the Editors No. 5
No. 5, 03/2012
Andres Lepik, Axel Sowa, Susanne Schindler
Letter from the Editors No. 6
No. 6, 10/2012
Axel Sowa, Susanne Schindler
Letter from the Editors.
No. 2, 07/2010
Axel Sowa, Susanne Schindler
Letter from the Editors.
No. 3, 12/2010
Axel Sowa, Susanne Schindler
Letter from the Editors.
No. 1, 12/2009
Axel Sowa, Susanne Schindler
Letter from the Editors.
No. 4, 07/2011
Vanessa Koepper
Lyon Metropolitan Area and the Rural Hinterland: Pisé Decoré and Pisé Préfabriqué
No. 13, 09/2022
Jonathan Phillips
MacGuffin' behind the Curtain.
No. 2, 07/2010
Lard Buurman
Mediated Photography
No. 12, 01/2021
Narinderjit Kaur
Micro-Architecture in Stone: An Indo-German Dialogue
No. 13, 09/2022
Filippo De Pieri, Gaia Caramellino
Mittelschichtwohnen im Nachkriegsitalien: Auf der Suche nach Hausgeschichten
No. 9, 6/2015
Wilfried Kuehn
Model and Event.
No. 1, 12/2009
Wilfried Kuehn
Modell und Ereignis.
No. 1, 12/2009
Roman Bezjak
Modern Language and its Multiple Dialects
No. 12, 01/2021
Sarah Schlachetzki
Monumental Take-Overs – Steel spire vis-à-vis Prussian colossus: The Centennial Hall and the Iglica in Wrocław.
No. 11, 06/2019
Anne Kockelkorn, Susanne Schindler
On the Crisis of Large-Scale Housing Production in the 1970s.
No. 7, 10/2013
Jimenez Lai
On Types of Seductive Robustness.
No. 3, 12/2010
Danielle Hodgson
Ossification and Plasticization: The Embodiment of an Iconography of Security in Japanese Clay-Walled Storehouses
No. 8, 09/2014
Danielle Hodgson
Ossifikation und Plastizierung. Die Darstellung einer Sicherheitsikonografie in japanischen Lagerhäusern mit Lehmwänden
No. 8, 09/2014
Joachim Geil, Reinhard Doubrawa
No. 4, 07/2011
Ignaz Strebel, Jane M. Jacobs
People and Buildings:
No. 7, 10/2013
Elisabeth Neudörfl
Photographer’s Dilemma: “Good” Photography vs. “Good” Planning
No. 12, 01/2021
Birgit Schillak-Hammers
Pictures of Berlin: Construction and Conservation of a 1920s Metropolis
No. 12, 01/2021
Davide Deriu
Portraits of Places: Gabriele Basilico and the Slowness of the Gaze
No. 12, 01/2021
Arnold Walz, Axel Kilian, Susanne Schindler
Programming Knowledge.
No. 1, 12/2009
Adrian Heints
No. 11, 06/2019
Bernardo Secchi, Matteo DAmbros, Roberto Zancan
Saint George and The Dragon, or the Urban Planner as Storyteller.
No. 2, 07/2010
Ela Kaçel
Self-Localization of Migrants and Photographers in Cities via Self-Images
No. 12, 01/2021
Andrea Alberto Dutto, Henning Storch, Leonie Bunte
Short Essays on Earth, Clay, and Stone Architecture
No. 13, 09/2022
Hélène Frichot
Söder Pops Island: My Own Personal Gentri-Fiction
No. 9, 6/2015
Hélène Jannière
Stage Set from Hell
No. 7, 10/2013
Axel Sowa
Stichwortgeber Hermann Czech
No. 8, 09/2014
Smriti Saraswat
Stone: Making and Maker
No. 13, 09/2022
Ian Pepper
Tangent 1: Maillart Serra.
No. 5, 03/2012
Irénée Scalbert
The Architect as Bricoleur.
No. 4, 07/2011
Sabine Horlitz
The Case of Pruitt-Igoe: On the Demolition of the US Public
No. 10, 12/2016
Mary N. Woods
The City Has Memory: Images of Ruin and Reclamation in Bombay/Mumbai
No. 12, 01/2021
Patrick Schoeck
The Efficiency of Capitalist Housing Construction in Switzerland:
No. 7, 10/2013
Nicholas Boyarsky
The Ephemeral Imagination: The Postcard and Construction of Urban Memory
No. 12, 01/2021
Jörg Leeser, Urs Füssler
The Flower Shop in Oberbarmen.
No. 4, 07/2011
Gregor Harbusch
The Forest-Gnome School in the Factory Hall
No. 9, 6/2015
Kim Förster
The Green IBA – A history of renewal, ecology and solidarity.
No. 11, 06/2019
Eric de Broche des Combes, Laurent Théaux, Lutz Robbers
The Grey of the Sky
No. 9, 6/2015
Kim Förster
The Housing Prototype of The Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies.
No. 5, 03/2012
Suryendu Dasgupta
The Jaisalmer Stone and the Aesthetics of Stone Architecture
No. 13, 09/2022
Tanja Herdt
The McAppy Project:
No. 6, 10/2012
Reyner Banham
The New Brutalism.
No. 5, 03/2012
Angelika Schnell
The Socialist Perspective of the XV Triennale di Milano.
No. 2, 07/2010
Alexa Färber
Traces of the Future: Urban Transformation and the Promissory Multiplicity of Photobooks
No. 12, 01/2021
Gernot Minke
Traditional and Modern Techniques for Building Vaults and Domes from Earth
No. 13, 09/2022
Clare Melhuish
Transforming Doha
No. 12, 01/2021
Anke Naujokat
Ut rhetorica architectura. Leon Battista Albertis architektonische Collagetechnik.
No. 2, 07/2010
Anke Naujokat
Ut rhetorica architectura. Leon Battista Alberti’s Technique of Architectural Collage.
No. 2, 07/2010
Frédéric Schnee
Van Gujjar: Earthen architecture, Persistence, and the Migration of Cultural Knowledge
No. 13, 09/2022
Sascha Roesler
Verbildlichung, Verkörperung, Übertragung. Anmerkungen zur ethnografischen Repräsentation in der Architektur
No. 8, 09/2014
Jonathan Phillips
Vergesellschaftung und der „MacGuffin“.
No. 2, 07/2010
Fabian Scheurer, Lara Schrijver, Mario Carpo, Yanni Alexander Loukissas
Vier Glossen.
No. 5, 03/2012
Sascha Roesler
Visualization, Embodiment, Translation: Remarks on Ethnographic Representation in Architecture
No. 8, 09/2014
Claire Zimmerman
Von der lesbaren Form zum erinnerbaren Bild.
No. 5, 03/2012
Arnold Walz, Axel Kilian, Susanne Schindler
Wissen als Programm.
No. 1, 12/2009
André Bideau
Wohnen als diskursive Leerstelle.
No. 7, 10/2013
Anne Kockelkorn, Susanne Schindler
Zur Krise des Großwohnungsbaus in den 1970er-Jahren
No. 7, 10/2013
Anne Kockelkorn, Axel Sowa, Bruno Reichlin, Jörn Janssen
Zürich, 1971.
No. 7, 10/2013
Anne Kockelkorn, Axel Sowa, Bruno Reichlin, Jörn Janssen
Zurich, 1971:
No. 7, 10/2013
Graham Owen
‘I Have No Power’ : Zaha Hadid and the Ethics of Globalized Practice
No. 10, 12/2016
Oliver Schetter
„Wieso haben wir ein Fenster in unserer Wand?“
No. 3, 12/2010